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Recent content by edbreyer

  1. E

    Sometimes you just have to shake your head and laugh!

    Is this guy insane or am I totally out of the loop? https://www.ebay.com/itm/126372128767
  2. E

    End of 2023 RV Trip to Gulf Shores, AL

    That has to be better/safer than stopping at a rest stop!
  3. E

    End of 2023 RV Trip to Gulf Shores, AL

    I've always heard it as: "Found On Road Dead" :)
  4. E

    End of 2023 RV Trip to Gulf Shores, AL

    Always thought an RV trip would be fun - but when I suggested it to my wife she laughingly replied "Let me know your destination so I can meet you there." Actually, a solo trip could be fun too! :)
  5. E

    Dash Cam For Old Cars?

    Looks like there is a newer version of that camera with a slightly higher regular price - but Amaon currently has it doscounted to $89: https://www.amazon.com/ROVE-R2-4K-PRO-Dashcam-Supports-dp-B0BZRKRBHP/dp/B0BZRKRBHP/ref=dp_ob_title_wld
  6. E

    Dash Cam For Old Cars?

    Were you able to find it on Amazzon? IF so can you post the link?
  7. E

    Dash Cam For Old Cars?

    Holy cow! Obviously, take care of the important stuff - the car camera isn't of any importance in the scheme of things.
  8. E

    Dash Cam For Old Cars?

    No worries. But in case you're interested in learning to copy/paste (it's VERY EASY), here is a short video about it ( ) . NOTE: when you do the "paste step" you would want to be typing a reply to this post so it will paste the URL into your reply.
  9. E

    Dash Cam For Old Cars?

    Please copy/paste the entire URL for the camera into a post here. OR copy/paste the entire title of the camera in your reply and we can search Amaon for that. Thanks.
  10. E

    Dash Cam For Old Cars?

    Please let us know how you like it. BTW: I retyped the link in your screen shot but that camera did not come up. Please post the link, Thanks!
  11. E

    68 Convertible front suspension too high

    Thanks for that insight! I'm making a note so I'll recognize the issue if I start hearing that clunking sound.
  12. E

    68 Convertible front suspension too high

    Sorry - my knowledge of the parts terminology is still growing - if you are referring to the bushing bolts on the control armst then the answer is yes. If there are other suspension bushings you are referring to - then I'm not 100% certain they did but my confidence is pretty good (and growing)...
  13. E

    68 Convertible front suspension too high

    Not 100% sure I have the answer - but they did know to not tighten up the control arms while on the lift.
  14. E

    68 Convertible front suspension too high

    UPDATE: After reading all the great input - I told the shop I was heistent to cut the springs versus just replaing them with a different set. Unfortunately, after a lot of internet searching and talking to several spring suppliers it became obvious I'd be rolling the dice hoping to buy the...
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