Old Chevelles

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Recent content by Sleeper '69

  1. Sleeper '69

    Mailbox Hit

    My mailbox post is wood on the outside but covering a piece of 4 " angle iron buried 3 feet in the ground. Mailbox is across the street from neighbor's driveway. The mailbox post has 5 maiboxes. Two teen age boys routinely (3) backed into the post and broke it. My other neighbor, who was very...
  2. Sleeper '69

    Recommended 5 Speed transmission

    Well, as you may or may not recall, my initial goal was to reduce the drone. I thought by reducing rpm that would reduce drone. After you guys mentioned the muffler solution i thought that would be cheapest step and i would do that first. I can always do the TKX later. I'm so pleased with the...
  3. Sleeper '69

    Recommended 5 Speed transmission

    Hey folks. Been awhile. Want to thank all of you for the help and advice. Likely saved me $3k. I bought the Dynomax Turbos from Summit . I won't be ordering the TKX 5 speed. My car sounds friggin awesome. It's a joy to drive. Thanks again, Jim S
  4. Sleeper '69

    RIP Barbara

    Prayers sent for Dean and family.
  5. Sleeper '69

    Member's Car Pictures for the Header Logo

    Ok. Swap it out. Second pic has plate blacked out. Not sure that important anymore. Thank you
  6. Sleeper '69

    Member's Car Pictures for the Header Logo

    Kevin, Here's another. If it's not allowed don't post.
  7. Sleeper '69

    Member's Car Pictures for the Header Logo

    Thanks for editing out double. can I post another ? Different Pic.
  8. Sleeper '69

    Enjoy the humor.

    I always liked the confederate flag. Meant nothing to me one way or the other.
  9. Sleeper '69

    Recommended 5 Speed transmission

    Thanks for all the help people. Looks like it's going to be Tremec TKX as soon as weather permits. Do that first then decide on mufflers. As 77cruiser said he only time Flomasters sound 1/2 way decent is at idle. I could listen to that low rumble all day.
  10. Sleeper '69

    Recommended 5 Speed transmission

    I didn't build my car for racing. Pretty much street use. I'll admit I baby the crap out of her. When I feel the need for seat of the pants speed I take out the Infinity. Do that occasionally. Like most of us, I've got too much money tied up in this car in original or period correct parts to...
  11. Sleeper '69

    Recommended 5 Speed transmission

    I've got a Muncie 4 speed transmission in my '69 BB Chevelle Malibu. Its got Flow Master mufflers on it and it's too loud at cruising speed for my wife to even ride in it. I'm wondering/thinking that a 5 speed tranny would reduce rpms and reduce drone. Any 5 speed recommendations without cutting...
  12. Sleeper '69

    The future 1st Family

    And we cannot afford 4 more years of demcratic policies.
  13. Sleeper '69

    Having Fun at Every Turn - Oil Plug Destroyed

    Kevin, That's a helluva job. Looks great. My brother always had olds cars. Among the 5-6 was a '64. Wasn't a Starfire, but I loved those lines. For luxury size cars they were decent performers. Can't believe how quick you got everything done.
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