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My 36th Anniversary


Well-Known Member
36 years ago today, an 18 year old kid was grinning from ear to ear, driving his new 66 Chevelle SS396 from Rochester, IN to its new home in South Bend. Happy Anniversary to me!😁
(Consequently, my 22nd wedding anniversary was 4 days ago, but we're in the middle of a divorce, so I guess it doesn't count)

Wheel Tire Car Vehicle Land vehicle
36 years ago today, an 18 year old kid was grinning from ear to ear, driving his new 66 Chevelle SS396 from Rochester, IN to its new home in South Bend. Happy Anniversary to me!😁
(Consequently, my 22nd wedding anniversary was 4 days ago, but we're in the middle of a divorce, so I guess it doesn't count)

Wheel Tire Car Vehicle Land vehicle
Congrats on Bday for your SS and Congrats on your D, my life was so much better after my D,,,,well was pretty crazy actually with the topless dancers for a few yrs 😆😂🤣but Way better after I met Kathy my better half 20+ yrs ago 🙂👍😁
Congrats on Bday for your SS and Congrats on your D, my life was so much better after my D,,,,well was pretty crazy actually with the topless dancers for a few yrs 😆😂🤣but Way better after I met Kathy my better half 20+ yrs ago 🙂👍😁
Thanks man!🤣
Sorry to hear this Bob. A good buddy of mine in Indiana just went through a divorce after a 42 year marriage, so it can happen to anyone. Hopefully, you can focus on the '66 more when things settle down. It'd be great to bring it back to like new!

If you're still in Indiana, please keep a look-out for my old Chevelle as I sold it to a man from Indiana, but I didn't get his name sadly (I was more worried about the Vietnam draft at the time!). The car was in my Father's name, but I paid for it, and everything on it but I was still only 20 when I sold it. My Dad apparently didn't put the buyers name anywhere. I'm still searching for it! ;)


Sorry to hear this Bob. A good buddy of mine in Indiana just went through a divorce after a 42 year marriage, so it can happen to anyone. Hopefully, you can focus on the '66 more when things settle down. It'd be great to bring it back to like new!

If you're still in Indiana, please keep a look-out for my old Chevelle as I sold it to a man from Indiana, but I didn't get his name sadly (I was more worried about the Vietnam draft at the time!). The car was in my Father's name, but I paid for it, and everything on it but I was still only 20 when I sold it. My Dad apparently didn't put the buyers name anywhere. I'm still searching for it! ;)


Thanks John. I'll keep an eye out! PM me the VIN if you know it.🙂
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