Old Chevelles

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Search results

  1. Z

    American Graffiti

    Interesting, I remember an LS5 with fake tunnel ram (fabricated tin?) to mount the carburetor(s). But, my memory isn't what it used to be. :rolleyes:
  2. Z

    Alternator alighnment issues

    Just spit balling here...
  3. Z

    Alternator alighnment issues

    If I recall correctly, there is supposed to be a spacer/washer behind the alternator fan. I wonder if it's missing? The mounting appears correct to me.
  4. Z

    Alternator alighnment issues

    I just measured a cast iron BB with long water pump pulley: 6 1/4" from face of block to middle of pulley. Measurement taken just to right of bypass hose.
  5. Z

    Alternator alighnment issues

    Water pump pulley part number?
  6. Z

    What Rear End came in the 1967 Chevelle SS 396-325 hp (L35) if not specified by the buyer in 1967?

  7. Z

    Old Pictures

    https://www.yenko.net/forum/showthread.php?t=98928 https://www.yenko.net/forum/showthread.php?t=120873
  8. Z

    Drag Racing Old School Muscle Cars at US41 Dragstrip Indiana

  9. Z

    Yikes OCS

    One thought, easily recognized as a big block performance car by insurance company's? More $'s to insure.
  10. Z


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