Old Chevelles

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Search results

  1. EBGwd

    Satoh Beaver III Model S373D

    My tiller and bush hog are 4' wide (tried the heavier/bigger tiller but it was too much weight for the girl). Also have 4' scrap blade, turn plow and pieces of a disc harrow. I noted the manual or stickers for my Beaver said to use a heavy weight gear oil. That might be why yours is slow to...
  2. EBGwd

    Satoh Beaver III Model S373D

    Word in the past was that NAPA had a replacement, direct fit light fixture for the Satoh Beaver. Might take yours and see if they can match it. I have not replaced mine, they have been missing for years. Take care of the front plastic part above radiator. My Satoh is very similar to yours...
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