Old Chevelles

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Search results

  1. P

    1967 Chevelle - Rust Bucket

    There you go! 409, 2x4 bbl, 4-speed convertible...... $$$$$$$$$$$ and I have $ lol
  2. P

    1967 Chevelle - Rust Bucket

    Thanks! The 62 - 63 Impalas are my #1 choice but always liked the 66-67 Chevelles. If the 67 Chevelle that sold last October in my Dad's Classic Car club was still available I would be making a play for it. But, no money then but I do now after selling the house!
  3. P

    1967 Chevelle - Rust Bucket

    This car would not be one to put together but to part out and to learn how to remove a body from the frame. I have access to a DIY garage right outside the yard where the car is parked. I know it is difficult to tell from the pictures but what would the value be of the some of the parts that...
  4. P

    1967 Chevelle - Rust Bucket

    Hi, What are your thoughts on this car? The rust is really bad behind the rain channels on the drivers rear B-pillar as it has gone completely thru. The rust is really bad also in the typical place for rust in the lower parts of each fenders. I am unable to get inside the car to check the...
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