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Primer Filler VS Primer Surfacer


Badass 5.0 Owner
Senior Member
I'm using Upol UP2253 for hi build, the TDS says mix 4:1 for primer filler, and 4:1:1 for primer surfacer. I can't find out what the difference is. Any ideas which would be best? I'm mot using it as a sealer, just for block sanding, then a finish coat of single stage urethane. I've done some spot work with this product in the past, and used it 4:1.
All input welco,e, thanks.
I typically don't do use a surfacer, just primer filler as it gives you more to work with. It's just as easy to do light coats and fill where you need it. Just how I do it.
Pretty sure I used that product. 4:1 vs 4:1:1 not sure there’s be that much difference. My experience is have a BIG tip and spray fast. It seemed to kick over fast.

Pretty sure I used a 2.5 tip. I’d go bigger. I remember thinning it out to make it more sprayable and having to clean the gun between coats.
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