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How to you do backups?


Veteran Member
Senior Member
I guess the two options are cloud and buying extra hard drives.

I’ve always been suspicious of cloud storage. Couldn’t they be hacked too? It’s like leasing a car. You keep paying for ever. But convenient and safe in case of a house fire.

I’ve got a 5 TB external hard drive that I had planned to use but it doesn’t seem like it’s recognized on both my PC stuff and Mac. So I guess two drives then?

I don’t care about day to day crap but I want to save kids photos, home movies and media like regular movies and CDs that I’ve ripped.
I have both, internal (36TB synology raid array, and offsite for my company files). I use Wasabi for virtual server backups and all my data is encrypted before (and while) it's transferred so no one can hack it.
Your external drive is most likely formatted NTFS. You can get a program called Tuxera for your Mac that will let you read from, write to, and format discs in NTFS. It's only $15. But, you can also format the drive in ExFAT and both operating systems will recognize it.

They make cheap thumb drives with huge capacities.
The only things I back up are videos, pics and documents.
These are all stored in the Windows folders : Pictures, Documents and Videos (duh).
So I just right-click on those folders, hit "send to drive X" and it's backed up.
Use your blue usb port, it's 3.0 and much faster at copying.


Is there a file system that plays well with Windows, Mac OS and Ubuntu? I have a 5TB Seagate USB drive that I’d like to use as a back up for all my computers.
Buy the below and install LAPTOP or DESKTOP Drives into. Best backup you can have and still be able to change out drives or used ones.

Is there a file system that plays well with Windows, Mac OS and Ubuntu? I have a 5TB Seagate USB drive that I’d like to use as a back up for all my computers.

Like I posted above, format your external drives as ExFAT and they will work with pretty much any operating system.
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