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Cooling System Vacuum Fill Tool

This tool going to be used a lot as in professionally or just whenever you might have a cooling problem? If just every now and then I’d see if the local parts store has a loaner that is free to use after leaving a deposit, if you want to buy one I’ve used Mastercool tools for ac work and they’re a good tool and good customer service, also when I blew up a digital gauge manifold due to a prior tech over charging a system they were going to repair free but for $35 I upgraded to the newer version, mine was about 3 yrs old at the time, I have never used the tool you’re asking about so maybe better options out there
My tool is an uphill slope. Get the engine lower than the radiator and then fill it. :)
My driveway is steep and works great.
This isn't as convienent as a proper tool for sure
My tool is an uphill slope. Get the engine lower than the radiator and then fill it. :)
My driveway is steep and works great.
This isn't as convienent as a proper tool for sure
Can't always do that on today's cars, a vacuum pull is required and from a bucket, coolant is pulled into the system removing air pockets. Will work on Chevelles too but not really needed.

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