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Robby Starbucks will be on them soon ! And Trump appointee Harmeet Dillion has vowed to destroy DEI !

Seems all the upper middle class types love Costco, but I belong to Costco and Sams and buy 90% from Sams.
I should cancel the Costco membership but I like looking at what they have to offer. LOL
I did a walk through twice trying to decide if I wanted to join, I did like a lot of the variety of items but the closest one is about 25-30 min away so decided not worth it
You guys crack me up!
You must be packed like sardines out there.
Out here in the wide West just going onto my local town is twenty minutes each way.
Any city where these box stores might be is at least and hour and half away.
So forty-five minutes would be close.
The good side of this is that we are too far away from the big city for crazies to be a problem.
The closest bulk store for us is Sam's, and that's 1 hour away. When the kids were younger and we lived in Weeki Wachee, we were about 15 minutes from Sam's club and we used it regularly because of how much food we went through. We decided this year to let our Sam's membership expire since we don't really buy in bulk anymore. We hate going into Gainesville for anything because the traffic is horrendous, not to mention all the homeless hanging out on every corner looking for handouts.
You guys crack me up!
You must be packed like sardines out there.
Out here in the wide West just going onto my local town is twenty minutes each way.
Any city where these box stores might be is at least and hour and half away.
So forty-five minutes would be close.
The good side of this is that we are too far away from the big city for crazies to be a problem.
Not worth the hassle and traffic to save a couple of dollars, no reason to buy in bulk with just two of us in the house.

I understand the Out-West comment but also Out-West 2 lane roads are 70 MPH, Interstates 80 MPH, no traffic etc. You misses the point on crowds, I don't want to deal with trying to find a parking place and fight them. With Wal-Mart a few miles away and a smaller city 25 min away I have no need to drive 50 miles to Raleigh to save on toilet paper.
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