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Help with restoring Holley carb?


New Member
I have a Holley List 3609 780 CFM carburetor with a GM part number 3892339 and date code 504 that has been converted over the years to a 4150 with center-hung floats. I want to return it to its original 4160/end-pivot float configuration but I'm having trouble locating a chart showing the proper metering plate, metering block, power valve, jets, etc. that it would've had when it was new. Does someone know where I can get that info? None of the charts I've seen show the 3609 list number. Also, I'll be looking for the parts to convert it back: the end-pivot float bowls with the floats, vent parts, etc. and the shorter bolts, short fuel tube, etc. if anyone has extras to sell or trade. Thanks.
I just found a whole carb on ebay that's going for $92 versus the $5-6-700 of the same part number list 3609 that may have some of the parts you need. IDK why I can't post a link ??? but I just put your part # in the ebay search under ebay motors.
I just found a whole carb on ebay that's going for $92 versus the $5-6-700 of the same part number list 3609 that may have some of the parts you need. IDK why I can't post a link ??? but I just put your part # in the ebay search under ebay motors.
Thanks for that info! I'll go over there and look it up.
This guy would have what you need to know, I'd think.
Eric with Vintage Muscle Car Parts emailed back with all of the part numbers I need. I'm very appreciative! Unfortunately he doesn't sell those parts, keeping them for his own work, which is totally understandable. I'll keep looking for them, now that I know what to look for! It turns out the carb is actually 585 CFM. I'd swear I saw it listed as 780 somewhere. No matter. Thanks again for the lead.
I had a couple of other fires come up that got in the way, but yes, I'm still looking. I don't remember where I saw it listed as a 780 but it turns out it's 585CFM. Seems kind of puny for a 396 but I guess they worked well.
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