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Use a clean razor blade to scrape it gently and some brake cleaner (sprayed on a paper towel), but don't get near your paint job with it, or it'll turn it into water colors.

When done cleaning the overspray, use windex or the like to do a final clean.
Lacquer thinner or acetone on a rag. I don't know what kind of paint you have, but I don't think it hurts catalyzed urethane clear.
Use a clean razor blade to scrape it gently and some brake cleaner (sprayed on a paper towel), but don't get near your paint job with it, or it'll turn it into water colors.

When done cleaning the overspray, use windex or the like to do a final clean.

Brake clean shouldn't affect a good BC/CC job, but it might damage an old lacquer or enamel job.
Brake clean shouldn't affect a good BC/CC job, but it might damage an old lacquer or enamel job.

Rick had mentioned his paint job wasn't the best (as he said before you get what you pay for), so I wasn't sure what they did and I was just cautioning him.
Rick had mentioned his paint job wasn't the best (as he said before you get what you pay for), so I wasn't sure what they did and I was just cautioning him.

Agreed...Always err on the side of caution. I'm definitely not recommending to spray brake clean directly on any paint job, but it really shouldn't affect catalyzed paint.
It's on the interior but my dash is Summit Chassis black and don't want to mess it up and I'll cover everything first, thanks everyone and have a Very Merry Christmas, I'll post before & after pics when I do it
I cleaned the glass with a single edge razor and the old spray adhesive came right off easily, my plastic scrappers weren't doing very well then I used Sprayway foaming glass cleaner for a nice clean finish on the new glass and the original glass isn't too bad either


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