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Auto Parts Supply Chain


Shop Foreman

I am going to do valve seals on my gold car. None of the local stores had them, I ordered from OReilly Auto Parts online but I ordered o rings and umbrella seals. The O-Rings were out of stock so I will be getting umbrella seals and valve cover gaskets. Amazon had the o-rings, they are coming from there.
I've been doing that with many of the parts and supplies I've been buying. Can't get it all in one place anymore.

I've been waiting for over a year to buy the floor and trunk pans (full floor and trunk) for the '67 Chevelle and AMD has been out of stock on them.

OReilly's told me they have been shifting stock between stores because their warehouse is getting empty and parts aren't coming in.

I suspect they are waiting for parts mostly from China.
I've been doing that with many of the parts and supplies I've been buying. Can't get it all in one place anymore.

I've been waiting for over a year to buy the floor and trunk pans (full floor and trunk) for the '67 Chevelle and AMD has been out of stock on them.

OReilly's told me they have been shifting stock between stores because their warehouse is getting empty and parts aren't coming in.

I suspect they are waiting for parts mostly from China.
You were lucky that the Escape was able to get fixed without parts delay.
You were lucky that the Escape was able to get fixed without parts delay.

Ford paid a stupid amount for overnight shipping from other locations (not the main warehouse) because some of the parts weren't readily available.

The service manager Don knows me and gave me copies of all their stuff (not supposed to) for my records so I could go over what was replaced.

I am going to do valve seals on my gold car. None of the local stores had them, I ordered from OReilly Auto Parts online but I ordered o rings and umbrella seals. The O-Rings were out of stock so I will be getting umbrella seals and valve cover gaskets. Amazon had the o-rings, they are coming from there.
I bet I have extras, if I didn't toss em.
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