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Sometimes I wish I was Just There


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I think most of us can relate to this. I like to help people out if I can on problems they are having with their cars but sometimes they just can't grasp what your trying to tell them and I wish I was there to actually be able to show them.
I understand totally what you mean. I've been the "goto" family mechanic my whole life. As the family grows, I've tried to support my nieces and nephews too. My first reaction is I need to see it with my own eyes so that I can relate it to them. In the older days, you could almost tell by what kind of car they had what problems were known to occur.
In IT we sometimes have the ability to remote control a user's PC but not all of the time. Dealing with my elderly relative's PCs are quite a challenge.

I have quit helping with peoples cars remotely, to many variables now to diagnose a problem.
I think most of us can relate to this. I like to help people out if I can on problems they are having with their cars but sometimes they just can't grasp what your trying to tell them and I wish I was there to actually be able to show them.
I can show in a hands on manner much better than I can articulate in words. Lol
If you look at the history of human nature, 99.9% are visual learners, and that also translates to hands on. I take care of many clients (computer networks, servers, infrastructure, computers), and while I can explain exactly what to do for most any problem over the phone, 99.99% is lost in translation (meaning they don't have a clue or understanding whatsoever of what you're talking about), but they all seem to know or be experts in who they think actually does a good job. Therefore in my line of work, I prefer the hands on approach which yields the results I seek, which in turn satisfies the client (because my own standards are much higher than theirs), and the desired end result is achieved.

Since I'm the most technical person in my entire family, anything to do with just about anything technical or mechanical always finds its way to me, and I'd be guilty of not honoring the abilities God gave me if I did not help others.
I feel the same.

Especially like with Ricks post. He's running down this issue with tons of help and I can only imagine if we all lived closer. Like a car club was. Guy and Gals coming over to the house for a garage party with tools and knowledge pulling late night'ers getting guys running.
I feel the same.

Especially like with Ricks post. He's running down this issue with tons of help and I can only imagine if we all lived closer. Like a car club was. Guy and Gals coming over to the house for a garage party with tools and knowledge pulling late night'ers getting guys running.
And I'd buy all the Beer & Pizza you could eat & drink!!! :) BTW I have a new vac gauge being delivered some time today (y)
My offer still stands Rick if you need me to take the AED 750HPHO off the 70 and send it to you to help figure it out. Its dial'ed in and runs perfect on my MJ406.
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