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Has this happened to you before


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So you go out racing all year and had some good days and some bad but over all the ran pretty decent. Then all of a sudden some of your so called "racing friends" start saying your a lying when you tell them what you ran even when you show them the time slips??? All of a sudden I am now running my car again with nitrous but have not had it on the car since 2017 due to the high cost. Got one guy who had thrashed his car for over 15 years and cannot get it to run hard at the track and has played the blame game because it don't run a number. Wife says they are just jealous, I think I need to slow my car down to make people fell good about their slow rides. I strive to make the most out of what I am using and it the combo don't work I go back and figure out what's wrong with it. Sorry for the rant, carry on. :D :)
Never that because I haven't taken the 70 to a track with its current setup. So no time slips to show. All my 'business meetings' are 'local' and have strived for traction, weight reduction (where I can), and mostly power loss through the drive-train. My response to the above is always the same, "where's your car" and "go get it".

So your Friends are running slower than you are when N/A
Show them you have no Bottle in the Car
and that Days Time Slip // Best vs Worst

If they say not possible then say lets go Head to Head right now !!

What are they Running N/A VS what you are Running N/A ??
What I find satisfying is that when I make a change/spend more $$
the car usually goes better/faster or rather Quicker in the 1/4 Mile

It puts a Smile on My & my Son's Face and seems to piss off the New Mustangs/Challengers/etc. with their Computer Stuff
VS my Old School Suspension and N/A Engine
The same thing happened in the early 90's when I built my 1st 12:1 468 and ran 6.90's@101mph at the 1/8 mile track. Whole day was where did you hide the bottle??? LOL.
This year I ran 11 teens with a low compression BBC with junk heads, 10.60's and 70's @125 mph with my 406 and home ported Dart 215's, 12.20's@106mph with an old 400 sbc nothing engine and just last month 11.30@117mph with my 358 91 octane 358 sbc. Laughs on them as I have gapped more people with late model car than Henry Ford made. Late next year I am going to run the 10.90 406 I ran last year with the 062 Vortec's with some more cam, I will invited them all out for a snack at the track.
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