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Old Chevelles

Welcome to OldChevelles.com, built by Auto Enthusiasts for Auto Enthusiasts. Cars are not our only interests so please feel free to post about any subject the community might enjoy or you just feel you need to air.

We respect free speech and constructive dialogue however we don't allow threatening talk against members, nudity, or pornography. Threads are monitored and trolls are not tolerated.

This site is completely free and there are no costs. Please enjoy and provide feedback.
  • We've enabled the website app for anyone who wants to use it on a mobile or desktop device.

  • We've changed the header logo to display our Member's Cars.

    If you'd like your car to show up there, go to the forum Site Bugs & Feature Requests and post your image in the "Member's Car Pictures for the Header Logo" and we'll add your car into the lineup.

Member Monikers


Veteran Member
Senior Member
Does it have to say 'Senior Member'?? Makes it sound like I am in my 80s. Maybe something like 'Distinguished Member' or 'The Man'.
Umm, I thought you were. ;)

Seriously, does it really bother you?

Does it bother anyone else? We were trying to come up with a name that didn't sound like OCS, but gave all of you elevated status.

Tbh, I wouldn't have a problem paying $20 yearly for a professionally run site that has a ton of technical information. I believe as forums get more and more technical data the $20/lifetime will fall to the wayside.

For example, when someone posts a real good diy thread the community or mods can lock it down so only paying members have access, AS LONG AS IT IS NOT ABUSED.

Tbh, I wouldn't have a problem paying $20 yearly for a professionally run site that has a ton of technical information. I believe as forums get more and more technical data the $20/lifetime will fall to the wayside.

For example, when someone posts a real good diy thread the community or mods can lock it down so only paying members have access, AS LONG AS IT IS NOT ABUSED.
I fully understand your view regarding paying for access to technical information and I agree with that idea in principal, but truthfully, I didn't envision a paid membership site for the reason that I personally think there is a wealth of information that people would love to share and I wanted to present a platform where it could be shared with others. Could I have charged for this site? Yes, but it goes against every grain of my being because of how I feel and how I enjoy sharing my knowledge with others, and I know there are many more like me who enjoy doing the same. This site will never have advertising either. I don't believe in it. This site is a resource for any and all who wish to use it, and I won't be swayed by potential income or offers of income.

This site will remain free and be a resource for all free of charge. My gift to the community if you will.

Free knowledge and speech for all to share at no cost to anyone who wishes to be here. I believe Jon and Mike share that vision.

With this site, in time, I hope to have a vast wealth of knowledge that all can benefit from and when the time comes, I will leave it to the community.

Not everyone will share this idea or vision, but that's what makes it my vision and I hope others can share in that same vision and leave the world just a little better place.
I fully understand your view regarding paying for access to technical information and I agree with that idea in principal, but truthfully, I didn't envision a paid membership site for the reason that I personally think there is a wealth of information that people would love to share and I wanted to present a platform where it could be shared with others. Could I have charged for this site? Yes, but it goes against every grain of my being because of how I feel and how I enjoy sharing my knowledge with others, and I know there are many more like me who enjoy doing the same. This site will never have advertising either. I don't believe in it. This site is a resource for any and all who wish to use it, and I won't be swayed by potential income or offers of income.

This site will remain free and be a resource for all free of charge. My gift to the community if you will.

Free knowledge and speech for all to share at no cost to anyone who wishes to be here. I believe Jon and Mike share that vision.

With this site, in time, I hope to have a vast wealth of knowledge that all can benefit from and when the time comes, I will leave it to the community.

Not everyone will share this idea or vision, but that's what makes it my vision and I hope others can share in that same vision and leave the world just a little better place.
What will bandwidth cost if the site gets really busy?

And if we are trying to be our own site without similar things having to do with other sites, why is this called bench racing?
What will bandwidth cost if the site gets really busy?
Not concerned with bandwidth at all. I pay $10 a month for 15tb of transfer now and can add as much as I want (up to unlimited).

I have my servers in a datacenter that my company already pays for, and all the software was purchased by my company, and anything the site needs my company will pay for, and since I own the company, this is an extension of me, my gift.

Because it offered familiarity for those who came over from OCS.
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