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Sometimes I Wonder...


Shop Foreman
Am I losing my mind?

My son has my Durango on a camping trip, it has a 2" ball mount on it. I need to move a trailer around with the Excursion, I only have 2 vehicles with trailer hitches, I have a 2nd 2" ball and mount but I can't find it? I normally keep them on a shelf, it is not there. I have cleaned up that corner of the garage and no luck. I even called my son to make sure I didn't stuff it in the under floor compartment of the Durango

Arghh... I hate wasting so much time when I can't remember where something is!
Lisa and I have been facing the exact same problem. Lisa has a habit of cleaning things up and forgets where she put things. Then she or I have to purchase a new thing only to find the other one soon after.

We came up with a new plan. Pretty simple in fact. When she cleans things (or moves them), she will write it down in on a piece of paper we have on a clipboard so we can review it if we forget where it was moved to.

Seems to be working well so far.
Found it! Was in the camper. Last time I needed it my daughter was using the Durango and while at a campground I wanted to make sure I could move the boat trailer around if she wasn't there.
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