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2018 Ford Fusion Strange Exhaust Noise

I had one doing that yesterday! The lady did not want to leave it to be checked out, so I put it up in the air to make sure that nothing was loose or damaged and let her go.
I'd be curious what the actual cause is, an entire system sound like a shotgun approach.
I had one doing that yesterday! The lady did not want to leave it to be checked out, so I put it up in the air to make sure that nothing was loose or damaged and let her go.
I'd be curious what the actual cause is, an entire system sound like a shotgun approach.
I do agree. I had a friend at a shop listen to it, he thought it was the muffler but changed his mind. He gave up, that is why I took it to my dealer. Dealer is very small, we know the owners well. Exhaust system is on order, will install in 2 weeks. I have a 2nd 2018 Fusion, exactly like my red one but it is blue. Exact same miles on it too. Quiet as a mouse.
I was thinking loose baffle in the muffler, thumped on it and the converter, and both were sound. She said it just started doing it, and had not gotten worse once it started. We are so busy that we have a 24-48 hour diagnostic time, and she could not leave it for a couple of days. I'm curious as to what, if anything is apparent once they have yours off.
The car runs great, no MIL or PIDs. They are thinking a baffle too but again like yours, not loose and no rattles. The exhaust is louder under cruise.

I tried to find a TSB or other bulletin about it but nothing. Most 2018s are out of coverage, my blue one would be except my wife has been WFH for 2 years. My red one was a left over early 2018 and I bought it Aug 2019. IMO Ford made a mistake giving the car lines to Honda, Toyota and Nissan.
Picked up the Fusion, the exhaust is nice and quiet. They replaced the whole exhaust system. I am glad it was under warranty, I think the converter was even replaced.
Nope. I like quiet exhaust. I put Flo-Masters on a car and they were off the next day. My Chevelles have quiet exhaust, my Bronze one has a single exhaust.
My Chevelle has a pretty darn quiet exhaust with a 454. The older I get, the quieter I like. I have MagnaFlow, I don't remember which one, but quiet with a good sound. Don't worry, it's plenty fast! (y)
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