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Just signed papers for Solar

yeah, really only enough power to run the bare necessities... keep the furnace, freezer, well pump, and sump pumps on through the night.
Daylight will provide enough power to run everything plus recharge the battery, and I'll be able to plug in my generator if needed as well if long-term no power and cloud-cover.

I will add more battery capacity as the budget allows. I really just wanted the peace of mind to be able to trust that a big storm with 8" of rain and a power outage wouldn't flood the basement if I wasn't home to hook up the generator.
That's good, but be careful, it's only 9.7 kw (which is more like an emergency battery backup). I currently have 51.25 kw and I'm thinking of adding more.
I have 39 kw theoretical but some batteries aren't "grade A" so probably 10% off that.
Bear in mind I'm 100% electric for everything here in Florida, so I've beefed my system up. I'm also running 100% offgrid, so your requirements won't be as high.
System powered up and went active today... cloudy day and snowing, so production is lousy, but powering the house, charging he battery, and still selling a little bit back to the power company.

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