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Foxconn Getting Into The EV Game

I think we are about to see the market explode with EV's and everyone competing for the EV business. The bigger question is who will appeal to the lower end market where normal everyday folks can actually afford them.
Ill be curious to see how the EV market advances with so many entering the market and competition. Though I still don't see the infrastructure to support the U.S. Govt mandates. In my opinion, with this current WHT HS shutting down oil/gas and rising prices, it will also be interesting to see the true cost to produce these vehicles since production still needs those resources to build.

Then there is what I posted the other day about the actual sales numbers not reaching what the Corps need to profit and our Govt mandates.
I think we are about to see the market explode with EV's and everyone competing for the EV business. The bigger question is who will appeal to the lower end market where normal everyday folks can actually afford them.
What I cant wait to see is after the EV market does hit, watching the Govt raise electric costs to the extreme, and or how our current infrastructure holds.
What I cant wait to see is after the EV market does hit, watching the Govt raise electric costs to the extreme, and or how our current infrastructure holds.

Now you know why I have my own power and not dependent on the grid. I will not be held over a barrel for something that I can produce for myself.
Oh its coming ! can you imagine what the prices will be for cells and batteries once they have Americans by the balls with EV charging. The price with sky-rocket from Govt regulated PWR Cost raises, they aren't going to want you to make your own power then. The only reason they want you to now is to offset the cost and help the market improve in that area.
What I cant wait to see is after the EV market does hit, watching the Govt raise electric costs to the extreme, and or how our current infrastructure holds.

Electricity rates are set by the power companies - not the government. Many power companies are overseen by government entities/agencies, but the pricing ultimately comes down to the companies
themselves. The rates are also affected by the 'market', which I think needs to cease. Our electricity prices here fluctuate throughout the day, which is asinine. There is NO WAY that they can justify
this practice to me - especially since the power in my state comes from hydro, natural gas, and nuclear (how does hydro and nuclear fluctuate??). What the government will do is implement a road use
tax and it will be outrageous.
Our electricity prices here fluctuate throughout the day, which is asinine. There is NO WAY that they can justify
this practice to me - especially since the power in my state comes from hydro, natural gas, and nuclear (how does hydro and nuclear fluctuate??).

Supply and demand. Age old excuse to charge more. Complete BS.
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