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Welcome to OldChevelles.com, built by Auto Enthusiasts for Auto Enthusiasts. Cars are not our only interests so please feel free to post about any subject the community might enjoy or you just feel you need to air.

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  • We've enabled the website app for anyone who wants to use it on a mobile or desktop device.

  • We've changed the header logo to display our Member's Cars.

    If you'd like your car to show up there, go to the forum Site Bugs & Feature Requests and post your image in the "Member's Car Pictures for the Header Logo" and we'll add your car into the lineup.

$24.3 Million Dollar License Plate??

This is very much like the pricing of domain names. The shorter it is the more expensive. At the beginning of the internet you had companies just buying domain names to flip them, but the big dollars went to those who got the short domain names.
A fool and his money is soon parted.
Regarding NFT this is Exactly what I was going to say. Investing in something like a digital file simply because it is unique or one of a kind seems silly. If others want to throw their money at it, go nuts.
It seems like the sites where you could “buy”a star. It’s unique, it can’t be reproduced. You have a certificate that says you own it. Even if it’s recognized as yours, it’s worthless.
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