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Sad state of Brandon

There are a lot of aspects of our society that no longer function well. Government does not do a good job, many corporations are also poor in performance of both products (made in China) and service (call/chat/text to someone in Eastern EU, India, Philippines).
I have come to the conclusion that those who view our current situation from the perspective of the America Revolution, Constitution, and Bill Of Rights are looking at the wrong history.
A more accurate historical reference would be the French Revolution and the Jacobins.
Liberals are contesting for the role of Robespierre, forgetting how he ended up.
Liberals are literally calling for the return of The Reign of Terror, as they seek to destroy every vestige of traditional American values.
In a few days we will know the results of several primary races today.
I hope for signs of sanities return.
Just quoted 2 20 ton gas pack AC units. Build time 1 year no guarantee on actual price from the manufacturer. How sad is this country 2 years with liberals running the country.
I've heard 12+ weeks and No price Quote on certain equipment, I've also been having a hell of a time finding the required Smoke Detectors & Smoke Tubes for anything above 2,000 cfm ,unless it can be tied into existing fire alarms, I did find $15 Aud/Vis alarms on Amazon that the County inspectors approve of instead of paying $100+ each
Well I was asked to quote replacing 5- 12.5 ton Trane rooftop units...1 year build time and No price quote available 🙁
More and more parts at my Ford dealership are coming up as "backorder, no expected ship date" And not just electronics, mechanical parts as well. Ford has caved and started allowing us to use some aftermarket items. Funny how Ford cannot supply intake gaskets, but Auto Zone has as many as we need...
Imagine how the media and the left would be screaming and pulling their hair out if a baby formula and tampon shortage had occurred during Trump’s 4 years?

Under Biden, Dems are like “meh, American babies are kinda fat anyway.”
Imagine how the media and the left would be screaming and pulling their hair out if a baby formula and tampon shortage had occurred during Trump’s 4 years?

Under Biden, Dems are like “meh, American babies are kinda fat anyway.”
Dems are baby killers already.
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