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Cars at Estate Auction


Shop Foreman
I bid on several cars at an estate auction the other day. Fortunately I saw the cars in person and knew most of them were in really bad shape.

I was interested in a 1982 Olds 98 Diesel, no title, been sitting for many years in the woods. I got the hood to open a foot and saw no radiator and on the drivers floor was a starter. The vinyl top has rusted the trunk area and the headliner was completely down. All tires were flat and a couple off of the rim. I bid $210, went for $240, probably for the best. Where it was sitting I would have had to hire a rollback as my trailer does not have a winch on it (yet) plus my 2WD Excursion would have gotten stuck up there. I bid on a Dodge Prospector Pickup, but I did not go high on it because there was a hole in the windshield and every panel was rusted or beat to hell.

There were many other cars, especially Studebakers. Many had busted glass and body damage from trees and junk. All had flat tires. Here is a case of "one day I will fix them up" but instead they were left in the woods to rot.

I learned a long time ago to buy the most complete car with the body in good condition, especially "mutt" cars where after market parts are not available.
Why did you even bid on the car & truck? scrap metal prices up? I gave up scrapping my old ac units since I only had my back yard for storage and place to separate the metals and it attracted fruit rats then dogs would get cut chasing them through the junk piles, looks nice back there now :rolleyes:
Scrap metal prices are up.

My first bids were site unseen then I quit bidding after I saw the cars in person.
Crazy what some people are willing to pay with cars that need that much work.
About 10 yrs ago I paid $2,600 for my 68 Malibu rolling shell, My brain ran off to the 70-80's thinking I could just go to the JY's and get whatever I needed to put it back together LOL...some where over $30K later I'm still putting $ in her but she's looking better (y) and for a $20-25K car :LOL:
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