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My Lincoln Weldpak 100 has got to go....


I bought it new in the early 90's ('91 or '92) and the spool feed has been giving me issues for a few years. It'll feed fine, excellent welds, then she binds up and I can't get it to run smooth and get shitty welds I have to grind off and then try to re-weld.

It's obsolete now and no parts are available, so it's time for a new one. I'd have to say it's done its' duty to God and Country, so I guess I can't complain.
Lisa just looked at the welds on the solar array mounts (front support) and asked if a blind guy was welding, and I said it might as well have been the way the welds look.

I'll have to grind them down and re-weld them all. Looking at getting a Hobart 140 at the local tractor supply. It's $650.
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