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Fridge Water Filter Chip


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Anyway to bypass the need for these expensive chip filters? I can buy a 3 pk of non chip for the price of 1 chip filter $48 each


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I have a large 5 year rated filter under the sink that feeds the fridge so it really doesn't even need a filter but it makes Kathy happy so I'd like to figure a way to use the non chip filters and not have the RED Warning triangle light light up LOL guess I'm being cheap but every 6 mons $48 just irritates me :ROFLMAO:
I have a large 5 year rated filter under the sink that feeds the fridge so it really doesn't even need a filter but it makes Kathy happy so I'd like to figure a way to use the non chip filters and not have the RED Warning triangle light light up LOL guess I'm being cheap but every 6 mons $48 just irritates me :ROFLMAO:

Our LG had a reset to shut the filter light off, but if your's has a chip I can see that wouldn't work. Can you peel the chip off and tape it to a new one?
I have a large 5 year rated filter under the sink that feeds the fridge so it really doesn't even need a filter but it makes Kathy happy so I'd like to figure a way to use the non chip filters and not have the RED Warning triangle light light up LOL guess I'm being cheap but every 6 mons $48 just irritates me :ROFLMAO:
Put some electrical tape over the red warning light (y)
Our LG had a reset to shut the filter light off, but if your's has a chip I can see that wouldn't work. Can you peel the chip off and tape it to a new one?
I peeled it off earlier and saving it, going to buy 1 WO chip next round and see what happens, worse case Im out $10-12 bucks
Oh the Ck Eng light was on my 84 T/A with a 355 5 spd T tops 6" high rear spoiler bright red 275/45's all corners, I had a Eddy 650 carb & HEI dist. so light would never go off, Black tape to the rescue LOL
Found this ! Do you still have your bypass filter ? If not you need to buy one.

You can hack your GE fridge to either let you keep using your old filter (not recommended, they get real glommed up after a while which
defeats the entire purpose of a water filter) or use an off-brand filter.

Not only can you hack your GE fridge, I think you should. And you should tell your friends. Because GE forcing you to buy a $54 filter is wrong.

How to Use Generic Filters in a GE Cafe Fridge​

The secret lies in the RFID chip on your bypass filter. That’s the little white torpedo-looking thing that was installed in your fridge when you
first got it. I really hope you didn’t throw it away. You can probably order another one from the Mob GE if you lost it.

The filter bypass and the RPWFE filter are very adamant that you orient the filter correctly. They are prominently labeled BACK and FRONT.

Why does it matter so much? Because the “back” is where the RFID chip is hiding.


Slip a flathead screwdriver under that sucker on your filter bypass, and it’ll come fluttering off like a rose petal.

Now, you can do three things here. If you can tolerate some trial and error, you can try taping the thing directly into your fridge where it would normally meet up when
the filter is installed. You have to get in just the right spot, so the fridge picks it up. If you do that, you’re set for life.


Or, you can tape it onto the front of an expired RPWFE GE water filter, install it backward, and then keep using it (again, not recommended for too much longer than six months).
This too may take some trial and error. Make sure you orient it correctly. There’s an up and a down to the RFID chip. Take a picture of it before you remove it from the bypass,
so you don’t forget how it goes. There was a little clear bump on mine that helped.

This too may take some trial and error. Make sure you orient it correctly. There’s an up and a down to the RFID chip. Take a picture of it before you remove it from the bypass,
so you don’t forget how it goes. There was a little clear bump on mine that helped.


Or, you can tape it to the corresponding spot on a generic filter and reinstall it.

When you do this successfully, your fridge will detect that the bypass is installed and will tell you that you are drinking unfiltered water.


If you get the RFID chip taped to the wrong spot, or you try it without an RFID chip, it’ll say that there’s a possible “leak detected” because the filter
may be installed incorrectly. Yeah, I get it, GE. You’re doing it for our own good and totally not holding our water ransom for $54.

Where to Buy Generic GE Fridge Filters​

So, you’ve got your GE fridge successfully hacked? Good. Now, go give your money to someone other than GE. You can get RWPF compatible filters
off of Amazon for a fraction of the price.

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I must have thrown the bypass filter out when I bought this S&D unit, it was delivered & installed but I doubt they would've put a filter in it, I am buying filters from Amazon WO the GE label but still $48 each compared to Non chip 3 pk for $30ish, I peeled the chip from the old one I replaced yesterday and thinking of buying 1 cheapo filter to give it a try, it's just crazy to spend $100 per year on a fridge filter IMHO
I have the bag of paperwork the fridge came with, I'm going to dig it out to see if I might have saved the bypass if not I'm buying this bypass, I'm really not a cheap ass just frugal LOL
I have the bag of paperwork the fridge came with, I'm going to dig it out to see if I might have saved the bypass if not I'm buying this bypass, I'm really not a cheap ass just frugal LOL
GE is a terrible company IMHO and I worked for them for almost 20 years.
They would sell their soul for a buck (and they have).
Who would try to force their customers to buy a $52 filter every 6 months ? And block all competition by putting a chip in the damn thing ?
When I bought this it was during the China Flu shutdown BS 2ish yrs ago and the only fridges I could find in stock were LG which IMO is JUNK and Samsung which friends have told me their troubles so 2 fridge repairmen rec'd Whirlpool, GE and another brand that I can't think of right now, then after searching a few days, luckily we have a 2nd fridge that's 2010?18cu. ft. Whirlpool and found 3 S&D GE's so I took the best looking of the 3
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