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I know why I ran out of gas the other day...


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It turns out that my odometer has stopped working. Since my fuel gauge doesn't work, I have to keep track of my mileage.
Now I am looking into a GPS speedometer/odometer that I can use for now. It is beyond irritating.
Powdered graphite to lube the cable. I installed an app on my android phone that does MPH and has a trip / odometer. It was free. My Ranger has a cluster from an Edge version (but had the tach I wanted), so the MPH is off.

Less at slower speeds, more at higher speeds. At 70mph it's off by 4 mph.
Which way do you pull the inner cable out for cleaning - from the speedometer end or the transmission end?
Speedo end. If it doesn't pull out easy, the sleeve may be damaged. I clean with brake clean (dries quick too) then put some powered graphite in the sleeve (not too much), then put some in a paper towel and spin it by hand through the graphite.

I usually do that twice, then put the cable back in.
I used a spray can with a red hose MC Cable lube, it's really not made for a spinning cable but back & forth movement but it stopped the bouncing and weird noise
I haven't gotten around to doing anything with the odometer. However, I did install a GPS speedometer/odometer. The best part is that my mileage jumped up from about 7 to 8.4. So, that means that my odometer has actually been off for quite some time. We'll see if it improves with the summer blend. Cheapest way I have ever found to increase my mileage!!
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