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2003 Mercedes E320 Light/Wiper Problem


Shop Foreman
Not my luck today. The Mercedes instruments think it is dark outside in the daylight. The dimmer for the dash is all the way turned up. The system is giving a fault of the rain/light sensor is in error. That is a sensor between the mirror and glass at the overhead console. Could be a cable or a module. Going to try the cable first.
My '99 had loads of electrical issues. Headlights would go off while driving at night and come back on a minute later. Never did figure that one out and sold the car anyways. Parts were insanely expensive. I'll stick to American.
My mom has 2 Mercedes. SL500 & S420. Both are over engineered pieces of shit. New electronic shocks on the sl500 were 7k. No aftermarket available. Engine & trans mounts leaking oil. Valve cover gaskets needed replacing.
Stupid thing has 2 batteries. Baffle in gas tank broke loose. Air pump goes out. Everything is 1k or more to fix.
For a free car I have really not put that much money into it and it has been pretty good so far. The parts I need don't seem to be too expensive, just have to find the stuff. May need to go to the pick and pull.
My mom has 2 Mercedes. SL500 & S420. Both are over engineered pieces of shit. New electronic shocks on the sl500 were 7k. No aftermarket available. Engine & trans mounts leaking oil. Valve cover gaskets needed replacing.
Stupid thing has 2 batteries. Baffle in gas tank broke loose. Air pump goes out. Everything is 1k or more to fix.
Mine has 2 batteries too, the small battery in the front is the back up battery for the brakes, the main battery is in the trunk.

The base Mercedes are the ones to have, no 4matic, air ride etc.
Got the light problem resolved, reseated the ribbon cable to the light/rain sensor, IMO it was pinched, flattened and everything is working. Of course broke a couple of 20 year old plastics, still available, total will be about $15. I go by a Mercedes dealer everyday, will stop when I have a few minutes.
Plastic parts installed, all of the plastics in the car are brittle,

My parents had their car fixed, I may take mine to have some basic computer work done to it (Deactivate TeleNav because it is not supported) and program the climate control system. Mercedes uses a proprietary STAR system to program.

The car has a few issues I need to address but all in all it is a decent car.
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