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Engine Oil Cost


Shop Foreman
My 2005 Excursion is coming up on an oil change. I Like Delo Full Synthetic 5w-40, it take 15 quarts. Oil at Advance Auto is $40 a gallon! Add in the filter and Hot Shots Secret that I use and it is a DIY $200 oil change!!! Holy Crap!
Out of stock at WalMart.

I may have to go back to Rotella T-6, the truck just sounds better with Delo.

Diesel trucks are funny things, especially a 6.0L diesel, it sheers the oil with injector pressure. Fortunately I usually only change it twice a year, every 5000 miles.
I used Rotella T6 in all my diesels without any issues.

I did an oil change in Lisa's Escape 2 months ago. 5 quarts Amsoil 5w20 and a K&N Hi Flo filter was $70.
Glad I am pretty stocked up on the oil for my car. I got it buy one get one, then found a couple of cases on clearance at NAPA.
I bought 2 cases of the Amsoil 5w20 and got a deal at NAPA since both Lisa's escape and my ranger use the same. The filters I buy on Amazon 5 at a time.
T6 Syn is $80 here for the 2.5 gal. Did the International a month ago. That truck is 30qts.

You must have bought one of those rolling truck pans to capture all that oil. What do you do with the old oil when you change it?
You must have bought one of those rolling truck pans to capture all that oil. What do you do with the old oil when you change it?
I do have a large pan to drop it in. I dont know if you saw it when we were out there during your visit. I have a 375ga tote that sits on a platform about 3ft off the floor on the inside wall. I use an electric gas and oil pump to pump it from the floor to the top filler of the tote. All my used oils throughout the year go in to that. We have a lot from the tractors as well. That used oil is used to fuel the oil drip stove in the winter.
It's not available right now but I bought a couple of these late last fall. $40 a jug.
I do have a large pan to drop it in. I dont know if you saw it when we were out there during your visit. I have a 375ga tote that sits on a platform about 3ft off the floor on the inside wall. I use an electric gas and oil pump to pump it from the floor to the top filler of the tote. All my used oils throughout the year go in to that. We have a lot from the tractors as well. That used oil is used to fuel the oil drip stove in the winter.

I was going to say that would be great for heating your shop, but you're already there. In CT when I lived there, I got an old furnace and used that to heat my shop (with WMO and Transmission fluid).
I found the Delo 5w-40 I use at Wal-Mart, $33 a gallon, had to be ordered, one shipment from California and the other is from New Jersey. Oil change this weekend.
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