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Door latch pull assembly...


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I just got around to replacing the one in my driver side door this morning. I wish I would have done it years ago. I have been fighting to get the door open and that part fixed it. It is just a short pull now and it open with a nice click. Before I had to pull all the way up on the inside door handle hard. My only gripe is that the door handle will either mount angled slightly down or slightly up. I may use it for a few months to get it broken in, then try to reposition the handle. What a difference a good part makes.
Is the pull handle not aligned because of the attaching rod not being long enough?

I don't think so. It is the original rod. I think that the splines on the reproduction part are just off a bit. It's not a big deal, as I really like being able to open the door easily now.
I don't think so. It is the original rod. I think that the splines on the reproduction part are just off a bit. It's not a big deal, as I really like being able to open the door easily now.
I think you are right, there are no adjustments, just the 3 attaching bolts.
I suppose you could align the handle down lower and then just put a sight bend in the pull rod so the handle aligns correctly.
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