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Battery Time


Shop Foreman
Well, I went to drive the Mercedes today and the battery is dead, drove it last on Saturday, that thing draws a lot of juice when off, nothing unusual for a 2003 Benz.

Called my shop, he is getting me a battery today for $30 cheaper than Advance Auto, he says he doesn't mark them up like they do.
Maybe you should install a battery switch, but not sure how that would affect the computer.

On a VW (Jetta) if the battery was disconnected for too long, the car had to be towed to VW so they could reset the computer (only VW could do it) otherwise the engine wouldn't run (would turn over but not start). Ask me how I know....
Maybe you should install a battery switch, but not sure how that would affect the computer.

On a VW (Jetta) if the battery was disconnected for too long, the car had to be towed to VW so they could reset the computer (only VW could do it) otherwise the engine wouldn't run (would turn over but not start). Ask me how I know....
I let it sit too much, the price of premium you know. If I drive it once a week it holds the charge just fine. It did have a rain water leak and I was keeping it in the trailer but that leak seems to be fixed.

I got the car for free, just needed some TLC. I replaced the battery when I got it almost 3 years ago.

The battery being out won't hurt anything, just have to resynch the windows etc when the new battery is installed.
HF sells a decent battery tender/maintainer for around $50, Viking brand digital screen reads how far charging is % wise and volts, I have 1 on my Chevelle and happy with it, I also have Deltran battery tender Jr's on each of my Harleys Deltran is a good brand also
HF sells a decent battery tender/maintainer for around $50, Viking brand digital screen reads how far charging is % wise and volts, I have 1 on my Chevelle and happy with it, I also have Deltran battery tender Jr's on each of my Harleys Deltran is a good brand also
I have a small charger that does a great job, I have used it on the Mercedes and it never fully brings it to a 100% charge because of the electronics in that car. I park it outside and the battery is in the trunk. That thing has a tight trunk seal and I have to work with the power cord to get the charger in it.
That thing actually has 2 batteries in it, one for the braking system and one for the car. Talking with my buddy who owns the shop, he had one in the other day with 3 batteries. A starting battery, an accessory battery and a keep alive battery.
Last Mercedes I had was a e320 1998 diesel. Got super great fuel economy, but it was a dog (slow). It had only 1 battery under the back seat.
Can't beat a Delran battery tender! I have at least 6 cars on them 24/7, the longest life time for a battery of mine was 16 years (don't drive the car that much). It was a Red Top Optima. Last year it finally started to go, so I replaced it. I have a battery tender on my 2015 John Cooper Works MINI and it stays fully charged despite all the electronics on that car. I doubt your Benz would have any issues with a proper battery tender on it, really!
Maybe something with more amps? Or another battery?


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