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Shower Control


We (like most everyone else) had the crappy shower control that you could never seem to adjust to the right temperature or get enough flow out of it, and to put it mildly, it just sucked.

Finally found an adjustable 4" on center pressure balancing shower control for BAB's (aka the Battle Cruiser) and I installed it today.

All I can say it is what an upgrade. Temperature control is accurate, and it maintains the temperature perfectly and is completely adjustable.

Total cost with new showerhead (which was another upgrade) was about $105 tax included.

Old one.....


New one....


Just had my first shower and it's not as good as the 12" rainfall showerhead in our last house, but it's a close second. Nice water pressure, kept the temperature even and plenty enough water to wash the soap off.

That was money well spent.
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