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Wendy’s Burger Joints Near Me

In Nashville, only crazy people wear masks. Some Dr offices still require masks.
Restaurants are normal here. I though Florida never went crazy in the first place ?
Are most restaurants in FL like this Wendy's ?
No it got Crazy here too, lot of small eateries went under trying to make Outdoor dining possible, keep staff. Big thing I thought was Absolutely Crazy was “It’s OK to remove your mask while sitting down eating but if you get up put it back on” 😂
Man is seems like meals went from $6 and change to $10+ overnight.

Lisa and I were talking about this last night. We get flyers weekly in the mail and they usually include coupons for deals at Burger King, Hardees, Hungry Howies, and Huddle house. We were reminiscing when we first started dating and got married (mid to late 80s), how we could go to McDonalds and I could get 2 big mac meals and she'd get usually something chicken and we'd be all in for like $10 or $11 and that included apple pies and milkshakes.

Gone are those days, and I couldn't even eat all of that now if I tried, but then again, back then I was a slim muscular 170 lb working machine and would burn it off so fast and could eat again within 2 hours.
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