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Business Liability Ins.


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I got a 3rd bill from my bus lia. Ins, I pay in full at the start of the year then they Audit my payroll a cpl months later and I pay that now they want another $1,700+ which puts me paying about 8% for insurance per payroll, that seems like the most I’ve ever paid, seem normal though?
Not sure if it's far out of line given the work you do, but I have a 2 million in liability policy that costs me about $750 a year and have never had a claim, but again, different fields.

Mine is more based around data loss versus yours which is based on physical loss (property or people).
Well they audited me about 3 months ago and after paying the guy that works with me on ac change outs and large stuff I showed I paid him $53,690ish so they said to pay another $1,433 on top of my $875 for the year so I paid it but now 2 months or so later they want another $1,739 so it’s got me wondering why and are they going to send another bill in 2 months wanting more? Lol, last year pretty much same income but about $2,000 to pay for ins, I haven’t had a claim since I was scammed by a couple in So. St Pete about 8-9 yrs ago wanting $4,995 ($5K max) and judge mailed his findings siding with them for $2,500, also the agent I was getting away from at Mutual ins is now at Moore ins and in charge of my acct, he’s the one requesting the audits 🤬 forgot to add mine is $300K but I’m only required to carry $125 or $150K
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Sounds like time to do some Ins. shopping?
And maybe demand another agent if you have negative history with this guy.
Once you have solid quotes from competitors try to negotiate with the current Co.?
Tomorrow I’m calling AAA to see about business ins and the gal that I originally was dealing with at this new place Moore ins started her own agency and I’ve repaired her home ac so checking with her too, the agent I was trying to get away from has been requesting these damn audits ever since I got scammed
Tomorrow I’m calling AAA to see about business ins and the gal that I originally was dealing with at this new place Moore ins started her own agency and I’ve repaired her home ac so checking with her too, the agent I was trying to get away from has been requesting these damn audits ever since I got scammed

Time to dump his ass and go elsewhere.
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