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What are we limited to in the For Sale section?


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If I have something that is not even close to car related, can it be listed? It would really only be for someone local, as there is no way I would try to ship it.
I suppose it doesn't really matter as long as it's not an illegal item or pornographic in nature.
Well, it appears the wood was cracked very recently.

Yep. It got cracked when we were packing everything into the RV that we were retrieving in northern Arizona (a friend's father in law passed away). But, the ammunition should still be good.
The box can't be that old as the nails are still shiny and in an older box the wood would have shrank and the nails rusted.
Once they assemble the box and get the ammunition put inside, I believe that is when the paint them. I would guess that this is at least 60 years old.
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