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Starfire rear main seal


Well, after getting the car home last week, she left a present for me on the floor, a nice puddle of oil. Looks like the rear main seal is spent, but it was a rope seal from the factory, so that's to be expected I guess (has an original 126k miles on it).

I've found an aftermarket viton seal that replaces the rope seal. I can still get an OEM rope seal, but if I'm pulling the engine and trans (the tail bushing in the hydromatic is bad too and needs replacing), might as well get it all done.

For what I'm selling it for, I'd personally expect nothing less.
Well, after getting the car home last week, she left a present for me on the floor, a nice puddle of oil. Looks like the rear main seal is spent, but it was a rope seal from the factory, so that's to be expected I guess (has an original 126k miles on it).

I've found an aftermarket viton seal that replaces the rope seal. I can still get an OEM rope seal, but if I'm pulling the engine and trans (the tail bushing in the hydromatic is bad too and needs replacing), might as well get it all done.

For what I'm selling it for, I'd personally expect nothing less.
The rear main seal on my van was replaced last year on a lift and they only slid the trans back can you do it like that?
The rear main seal on my van was replaced last year on a lift and they only slid the trans back can you do it like that?

It can, but I wanted to clean inside the engine bay and pressure wash the block off anyways, so no big deal.

The front seal was spent too and had sprayed oil all around the engine bay, but I replaced it already when I had to pull the timing cover to put in a new timing chain, gears, and water pump.
It can, but I wanted to clean inside the engine bay and pressure wash the block off anyways, so no big deal.

The front seal was spent too and had sprayed oil all around the engine bay, but I replaced it already when I had to pull the timing cover to put in a new timing chain, gears, and water pump.
It'll look a Lot nicer doing it that way, Nicer = more $, Olds engines Blue? PS last Olds I had was a 92 Cutlass vert with the Bow thing, my dad asked to borrow 1 weekend,,,,Almost a year later I had to ask him to give it back lol
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