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Anybody been to the ark encounter.

Yes! I thought it was fantastic.

They claim it’s the largest free standing timber frame structure in the world. I don’t know if that’s true but it is a very large impressive timber frame structure. The whole thing is quirky as hell, but they put a lot of thought into various technical problems that would be an issue, such as ventilation, feeding and waste removal, etc. The exhibits are well thought out and nicely done. They have various animals in cages that are museum quality. One exhibit detailed how they created them. They put a lot of time into it.

Its all based on biblical accounts, so things like Noah taking hundreds of years to build it, dinosaurs on board, etc, all come through into the final presentation. But even things like the size had a lot of consideration. There was an exhibit detailing the reasoning behind the size of it - what is a cubit, the history of that measurement, how many different ones of different sizes there were, and why they used the one they did.

My personal favorite was the exhibit on how children’s book on Noah and the Ark were bad bad bad, and then going to the gift shop and seeing the entire section of their book store with children’s books about Noah and the Ark.

But go, it’s a little spendy, but worth it. And that’s coming from a guy who is not religious at all.
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