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North Face

Wow. I can't believe these execs are all that stupid.

Lisa and I were talking about this topic yesterday and we wondered why all these companies are pushing the gay stuff so hard and then we started comparing companies and their marketing and came to a interesting revelation. When companies think they have grown to a certain size and feel they have attained market share they venture into new territory in an experiment to capture another market, but it's beginning to backfire sending them scrambling to fix a serious marketing mistake that was most likely done by an idiot.

What we saw was most larger companies who've been in the game for a long time elect not to cater to the few and just market to the masses. I think when you try and cater to a small group you'll pigeonhole yourself and destroy what you had much like BL, Target, and now North Face are doing to themselves, but the bigger question is, these are only the first, and with enough effort, marketing to and catering to a small group will become more acceptable and it will eventually fly. It's just the odds and timing of the sales cycle. Any sales person knows overcoming objections is how to get the sale, but there are also the odds of sales and for so many "no's" you get, eventually you'll get a yes.
They all have activists in their ranks... no care about the bottom-line of the company, just self aggrandizing virtue-signals for their personal causes.
It's just a job for most of them. They don't care if the company tanks or they get fired... If it gets them "in" with the Democrat Party, they'll have many other bigger opportunities.
Everything runs in fads. Making national heroes out of drag queens will run its course. We’ll look back at this someday with a little more clarity and say “well, putting dudes in prom dresses on a pedestal just because they’re dudes in prom dresses was pretty fucking stupid.”
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