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Any issues using stock height dampers with 1-1.5” drop?


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Stupid squishy Eibach Pro Kit springs I bought like 15 years ago before I really knew what I was doing, but in the interest of getting the car on the road I’m using them for now. Bilstein B6s any good? Any issue using them with the lowering springs?
Stupid squishy Eibach Pro Kit springs I bought like 15 years ago before I really knew what I was doing, but in the interest of getting the car on the road I’m using them for now. Bilstein B6s any good? Any issue using them with the lowering springs?
My guess is Derek would know this answer, IMO he knows his Shit when it comes to setting up suspension 👍🙂
I’m following this as I used the most HD springs I could find when my brain went back into 1970’s mode and want to change mine too
Bilsteins are good. Length should be fine even with lowering springs as you're not really changing the travel limits (stroke), just where it sits in the travel at static. With monotubes you gain a bit of "spring rate" when you lower the car as the gas pressure increases in them...

Do you know the spring rates of your Eibachs? Guessing something in the 450 range?
Bilsteins are good. Length should be fine even with lowering springs as you're not really changing the travel limits (stroke), just where it sits in the travel at static. With monotubes you gain a bit of "spring rate" when you lower the car as the gas pressure increases in them...

Do you know the spring rates of your Eibachs? Guessing something in the 450 range?
Not off the top of my head. They are progressive, and if they’re like other Pro Kit springs I’ve seen, the initial rate is softer and theyre never stiffer than the stock rate.
I'd maybe consider adding a progressive bumpstop like the ZQ8 to add some spring rate and protect the shocks from bottoming out hard
BMR makes a affordable 1" drop spring that's stiffer than stock. I bought front and rear and am using KYB monotube shocks.
With the 1-1/4" swaybar and jeep cherokee steering box it should handle great

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