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Ordering new bumpers


Well-Known Member
Senior Member
What‘s good these days? I’ve seen AMD, Dynacorn, Goodmark, and Golden Wok or whatever the heck it’s called. I can get a pair of Goodmark from Summit for a halfway decent price, but if I remember right they had two different quality levels.
I bought mine from NPD but I’ve heard TriCity or TriCounty? Plating Is pretty good at greeting them, in hind sight I wish I painted the backside, still look great but who knows how long?
I used AMD. They fit pretty well.

The reviews complained of "lighter metal" which I thought would be great. Maybe save a few pounds... weighed exactly the same as my originals, metal thickness was the same, but I think the metal is softer.

I would have loved some nice chrome super thin 18ga bumpers. :ROFLMAO:
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