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Michelin Tires

Rear tires on my Corvette are bald... got caught in a heavy rain on the interstate a few weeks ago and things got kind of exciting. 😲

325/30/19s with no tread on a lightweight overpowered car gets sketchy real quick. I kept it pointed the right direction, but it was every bit as bad as icy roads... maybe worse, since the depth of water varied, pulling the car all over the place.
No sweat.:sneaky:

Yeah, I can drive in snow and ice, but many haven't. I don't mind (I always had a 4x4 when we lived north), but Lisa didn't like it at all. She'd often call me to come pick her up at work. Driving in 5 inches of snow on the highway is a blast at 50 mph. Snow flying everywhere and all the other cars doing like 10 or 15 mph.
Yeah, I can drive in snow and ice, but many haven't. I don't mind (I always had a 4x4 when we lived north), but Lisa didn't like it at all. She'd often call me to come pick her up at work. Driving in 5 inches of snow on the highway is a blast at 50 mph. Snow flying everywhere and all the other cars doing like 10 or 15 mph.
Down South everyone creeps along at 15-20, I like 45 MPH. The little Vibe is an AWD tank, it can handle up to 10 inches. I grew up in the Western MD mountains, we got a fair amount of snow.

Chevelles can also go in snow, throw 150 lbs of sand in the back, snow treads and they will dig in. Last time mine was in snow was in 1986. It survived the Blizzard of 79 but got wrinkled up with a VW Beetle in a white out.
White outs suck, fortunately we have enough trees to block the wind so we don't get white outs.
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