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Friend of 42 yrs Passed of Cancer


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We use to be Very tight, his Gfriend passed of cancer about 5 yrs ago and she was also a Very good friend, after she passed he went to hell in a hand basket, sold off all his things little by little, came to me wanting me to buy his Shovelhead, AR-15 etc Cheap but I didn’t want to be that guy, he was running around with Crack Whores so all of his friends didn’t want anything to do with him including me, 80’s to mid 2000’s people use to call us the 3 amegos (my friend since 79 Chester is still here) we were out riding around but after Sue’s death Steve just went Stupid Crazy with drugs, I haven’t seen him in a cpl yrs but when I did he was wondering the streets homeless but what do you do? His 2nd wife’s son texted me a little while ago saying he died in a hospital this morning, we had some of the best times but he chose Crack and Crack Whores over his friends, well that’s the way I see it and everyone that knew him said the same, real shame he was a great friend for a long time, RIP Steve
Just got a call from my plumber friend that was married to Steve’s 2nd wife, he was in the Hosp with Gang Green on his foot, his mom in her 80’s (he was 69) was taking care of him, they amputated his toes on 1 foot and it still spread so they amputated his foot then he went into a coma, his mom pulled the plug last night and he died this morning, I don’t know what happened to cause Gang Green but he liked walking barefoot when home in the yard so not really sure it was cancer but his stepson had told me a cpl months ago he had some type, be careful walking barefoot, also his Gfriend died 2 months ago, I never cared at all for her but heard she was nice, not at all good for him IMHO though
Getting old and seeing good friends from past or present pass on is a tough thing Rick. I have a good friend back in Indiana where his wife left him after 40+ years of marriage and he isn’t handling it at all! He’s had open heart surgery and subsequent health issues and he’s heartbroken! I wish I was closer but we talk on the phone & I try to encourage him as best I can. Regardless of circumstances I can relate how you must feel. We still have memories of the good times & we need to hang onto them! Blessings to you,

Just got a call from my plumber friend that was married to Steve’s 2nd wife, he was in the Hosp with Gang Green on his foot, his mom in her 80’s (he was 69) was taking care of him, they amputated his toes on 1 foot and it still spread so they amputated his foot then he went into a coma, his mom pulled the plug last night and he died this morning, I don’t know what happened to cause Gang Green but he liked walking barefoot when home in the yard so not really sure it was cancer but his stepson had told me a cpl months ago he had some type, be careful walking barefoot, also his Gfriend died 2 months ago, I never cared at all for her but heard she was nice, not at all good for him IMHO though
He might have been on chemo and had no immune system to fight the infection.
Very sad.
He might have been on chemo and had no immune system to fight the infection.
Very sad.
Not really Like but maybe so, I haven’t talked to his sister in a few yrs, well I guess it’s been close to 7-8 yrs, yrs go by so Fn quick, I need to give her a call
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