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Talk about hot and humid


Gonna be a short day again..... humidity is as thick as mud. I like humidity, but when it's this high it drains the crap out of you, and it's only 8am.

We were Lucky yesterday since we were able to run 1 ac at a time of the 2 we worked on but going outside in the afternoon was like stepping into an oven
Yeah, I cleaned the shop for the delivery of insulation and sheetrock today, but I think I'm gonna take it easy and wait for the window shaker to be delivered tomorrow. By 11am yesterday I was wiped out and looked like I'd been swimming with my clothes on, but finished at 12 for the day.
Getting ready to have more storms here. I picked up branches/sticks in my FIL's yard last night from Monday's storm.
We need a good soaking rain here, these storms roll through, knock trees down, mess things up and move on. Many are just wind events.
We get showers most every day. Deluge rain for about 10 to 15 minutes that drops 1" to 2", and that's normal for us. Cool for like 20 minutes, then the humidity is through the roof until the sun goes down.

For the past week it hasn't dropped below 80 and we've had heat advisory's every day for the last week or so with temps in the high 90's and feels like temps between 110 to 118 degrees.
I get up at 4am, out in the shop between 4:30 and 4:45 and work until it gets too hot (usually around noon). Hopefully that'll change tomorrow with me putting in the window shaker. Drop the humidity and bring the temp down to between 85 and 90 and I can work in that all day long.
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