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'Hybrid' freight ship, anyone?

Looks promising :

"This is one of the most slow-moving projects we've done, but without doubt with the biggest impact for the planet," its head John Cooper - who used to work for Formula One team McLaren - told the BBC.
He thinks this voyage will be a turning point for the maritime industry.
"I do predict by 2025 half the new-build ships will be ordered with wind propulsion," he said.
"The reason I'm so confident is our savings - one-and-a-half tonnes of fuel per day. Get four wings on a vessel, that's six tonnes of fuel saved, that's 20 tonnes of CO2 saved - per day. The numbers are massive."
The innovation has come from the UK but the wings themselves are manufactured in China. Mr Cooper says a lack of government support in reducing the cost of imported steel prevents the company from making them here.

"It's a shame, I'd love to build in the UK," he told the BBC.
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