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VinFast VF9 starts @ $83,000...


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Sorry, but most of the EVs these days are way overpriced. This one is built in Viet Nam - not exactly a place I want to be supporting. They were originally going to require a subscription for the battery in North America, but they have scrapped those plans (it was supid to begin with).

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subscription is dumb, unless it includes replacement
I suspect many EVs will utilize to a battery-lease program in the future.
Built in my home County. This plant has ruined thousands of acres of farm land, destroyed family homes all in the name of progress.

The County knows it may fail and if the infrastructure is there a more viable occupant will move in. On the other side of the County Wolfspeed is building a huge semi-conductor plant and just a few miles North Toyota is building a huge battery plant.

Our once secluded area is no longer, industry is here, even our rural 4 lane highway is becoming I-685.
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