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Smash Mouth frontman Steve Harwell enters hospice


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I wouldn’t say I’m a fan but that era of music is likely the last that I’ll give a shit about, at least as far of pop. They had a couple of huge hits.
Last I remember of him is just less than 2 years ago he left the stage after going off on the crowd and acting bizarrely and I think was going to go into treatment. I assumed at the time it was drugs and maybe it was but sounds like he’s dying of liver failure from alcohol use (based on things I read elsewhere).

Unfortunate. I think I see alcohol as a bit more tragic than drug deaths because it’s so accessible and considered benign by much of society, but I guess not to everyone.

56 years old.

Sad but this happens alot. Alcohol addiction is very real and anyone who's seen it first hand can attest to the destruction it leaves behind.

Some start drinking to dull the pain and others from loneliness, but either way it's the wrong road to go down and often too late when recognized.
Hep C is another cause for Liver disease, I got horribly sick after a GF that tattooed at a shop in the day and bartended at night tattooed on me and I found out later she used a needle she had used on herself and she had Hep C :mad: anyway having it roughly 15 yrs but didn't know I had it due to Quack Drs, finally found out what I had and was treated for 90 days, 1 pill a day (Epclusa) and the Hep C is no longer tracible in my body but liver problems there, Dr said No Alcohol!, I said I'll ease back, Dr said No Alcohol, I said I'll ease back, I just can't have anything with Gluten since all this, then I get symptoms like food poisoning, maybe he was told something similar and Did Not change anything?
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