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Dash Cam For Old Cars?

Bet it happened in a populated area.... seems to be when the area is populated people are in a rush and forget how to be nice.
Nope country road. DHL in a small Chevy van was tailgating, I was doing 65 in a 55, could not even see his headlights. He attempted to pass several times almost causing accidents. Knowing this road, I drive it everyday, I took the center of the road (in the Excursion), he attempted to pass me on the left, our mirrors tapped, mine didn't move, his did, mind you I was 1/2 way into the oncoming lane. He got by and tried to brake check, then pulled to the left, in the wrong lane and got behind me, I continued, I noticed him on his camera. I was back at the speed limit, came to a stop sign, he turned right, I went straight.
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