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iPhone Frustrations


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Lost the password for this Stupid phone and can’t upload an app for a bore/endoscope I bought so yesterday I went to the local AT&T store that sells these things, Oh we can’t help with that call Apple, so I call Apple and gal says do this & that so she can share my phone screen then 10+ min later says you’ll get an email in roughly 72 hrs to reset your password 🤨 so a little while ago I check my Apple email and this is there, this has to be the Fn Stupidest Security I’ve ever dealt with for a phone, now someone will call on 9/27 at 1:28:47 to reset password 🤬


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Kids said “Rick you HAVE to get you & mom iPhones so we can Face Time” and we do like seeing & talking to the Gkids that live out of town but this is just Dumb
I use Apple computers, because they are rock solid stable. But, I hate iOS - I won't use any of their devices that run it. My Android phone is much more customizable, and I can access every folder on the device from my computer - you can't do that with the iPhone. Android supports video calls, so there is no need for an iPhone.

There are ways to video chat between Android and iOS:

I have an iPhone but never use a password or thumb print! Screw em! I don’t allow my location either! 👍
I use Apple computers, because they are rock solid stable. But, I hate iOS - I won't use any of their devices that run it. My Android phone is much more customizable, and I can access every folder on the device from my computer - you can't do that with the iPhone. Android supports video calls, so there is no need for an iPhone.

There are ways to video chat between Android and iOS:

I’m thinking our girls that 1 lives 45-60 min away and other lives in Ky and they both use everything Apple so why they were pushing me to get this Crap, we use to Skype and we also have Zoom, I had never paid more than $150 per phone these were about $1,000 EACH!, I’m not even a Tech type guy that uses features it offers, just a really bad move on my part, Kathy does like Snapping with kids
I’m thinking our girls that 1 lives 45-60 min away and other lives in Ky and they both use everything Apple so why they were pushing me to get this Crap, we use to Skype and we also have Zoom, I had never paid more than $150 per phone these were about $1,000 EACH!, I’m not even a Tech type guy that uses features it offers, just a really bad move on my part, Kathy does like Snapping with kids
I buy refurbished phones for the cost reason.
I have a Nokia flip phone, wife had an Android & she can't even make a call with it but she sure can play games on it.
I do use my Bakerdist app for ac sales/price reasons and warranty lookup along with Amazon and eBay, GPS but my Android had all the same features, Face Time grocery shopping is pretty good since Kathy don’t go to stores now so at least I can show her what I’m buying that she wanted before getting home with the wrong items 😳😆
I’m thinking our girls that 1 lives 45-60 min away and other lives in Ky and they both use everything Apple so why they were pushing me to get this Crap, we use to Skype and we also have Zoom, I had never paid more than $150 per phone these were about $1,000 EACH!, I’m not even a Tech type guy that uses features it offers, just a really bad move on my part, Kathy does like Snapping with kids

I won't tell you what my phone cost, then.
That's where I'm going next, back to a simple flip phone. I wanted to dump my phone altogether, but Lisa wants me to have it in case she or the kids need to get ahold of me, so I'll get a flip phone and only give family and close friends my new number.
I still have our old flip phones.....my wife tells me I never throw anything away! LOL!
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