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Same question as the hood spring, only horns


Well-Known Member
Senior Member
Both of my horns are bad. I managed a pathetic little beep out of one once, but all I hear now is the relay. It doesn't look like I can take the horns apart easily to repair them

And of course, reproduction horns are assinine, and people want almost as much for used ones. I can get newer plastic replacements for newer cars for a much more reasonable cost. Any reason these wouldn't work if I could find one that didn't sound like a stupid compact car horn? Anyone maybe already figured this one out?
Even some of the new plastic ones song wimpy. Personally I'd just buy a used one so (for the lack of a better way of saying it) the car doesn't sound like a pussy.

In an old Chevrolet truck ('80 pickup) I had I even put in an old Ford horn from a E150. Can't stand little pussy horns in an American made truck or classic.
Got a cheap set from EBay, $28 shipped.

Don’t sound exactly like the old ones but are pretty good


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A few yrs ago I went to the local Pick & Pull and found an older GM and pulled what looked closest to 68-72 A body horns, last year I took them ( Hi/Lo) off to put the Vintage Air cond in and now neither one of them work 🤨 so back to the P&P for some more, maybe Ford truck horns would be better since I Really Like blowing the horn at Idiots 😁, Yelling out the windows OK to 🙂
Have you taken the cover off of the relay to check it? Had the same thing on my Monte for many years, only a beep. Cleaned the points on the relay & it works.
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