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Rebuilt T10 close ratio 4-speed value?


Veteran Member
Reconsidering some of my projects in lite of current and expected future funding levels.
Need to look at my parts more often, T10 not Saginaw. :oops:
If I give up doing one of my Buick V6 based builds the cast iron T10 close ratio 4-speed becomes surplus to my needs.
This is not a claimed rebuild, it is one I personally had done and zero miles since.
I can go find "The numbers" if they matter.
Having put significant funds into it I will not just dump it, but need to know true "Market value".
If value is too low I will find a use for it, if value is decent it could fund El Camino parts.
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T10 Specifics

0 grooves: First 2.20, Second 1.66, Third 1.31, Fourth, 1.00
As near as I can decode numbers it is Warner Gear, April 2, 1975.
10 spline input so probably GM F and A bodies.

I was going to put it behind a Buick V6 in a very light car.
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I put it up for sale locally at $995.00
Wonder what sort of insults I will get?
This is just about break-even for me.
I didn’t know GM ever put a T10 in an A body, thought either Saginaw or Muncie, back in the 60’s-70’s T10 was in some 390 Fairlane GT’s & Comet 390 GT’s and BB Mustangs
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