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Pocketing Brownfield/AFR heads under inside center 4 head bolts?


Veteran Member
In order to get my Scorpion shaft rockers to fit my Brownfield (Same as early AFR) heads the simple solution is to cut the pockets for the manifold side center four head bolts .150" deeper.
If I could find thinner washers I could cut a little less.
I also have to shorten the same studs .400".
So far as I know the heads are solid all the way through from top to bottom in that area so this should not be an issue.
Anyone say differently?
This is not an issue with Scorpion, I knew from the start that the AFR heads would be an issue.
Scorpion actually modified their stands for these heads.
I am fortunate to have a mill and lathe to do these mods.
Confirmed with HBR that my head modification will be fine.
Getting a cutter was a real pain, what I expected to be around $50 is now $250 and up!
Only doing eight spots, feeBay had a used one for $25.
Supposed to be here Wednesday.
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